Side Channel Blowers

Side Channel Blowers / side channel pumps can be used as vacuum pumps or compressors and are a highly efficient dry running technology for numerous applications. These contact free machines are virtually maintenance-free and can operate up to 40,000 hours without being serviced. Noise levels are extremely low which makes them a favorite for noise-sensitive applications.
The impellers are mounted directly on the motor shaft for contact free compression. Maximum operational reliability, even at high differential pressures, is ensured by the arrangement of the bearings outside the compression chamber. The gas is taken in through the inlet. As it enters the side channel, the rotating impeller imparts velocity to the gas in the direction of rotation. Centrifugal force in the impeller blades accelerates the gas outward and the pressure increases. Every rotation adds kinetic energy, resulting in further increase of pressure along the side channel. The side channel narrows at the rotor, sweeping the gas off the impeller blades and discharging it through the outlet silencer where it exits the pump.

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Re Blowers India P. Ltd
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